Visual Studio Light Theme for NetBeans

Here is a Visual Studio Light highlighting theme for NetBeans. I couldn’t find it on the Internet, so here is my own. It is not exactly the same as the original, but looks close. I made it for my PHP/JavaScript development, so it might require tweaking for different languages. I made it in NetBeans 8.2.


How to install:

  1. Open NetBeans > Tools >Options > Fonts & Colors.
  2. Duplicate your now profile, name it “ThemeName” or something like “Visual Studio Light”
  3. On left bottom corner, press Import.
  4. You don’t need to extract the zip package. Select it in file select dialog directly.
  5. About fonts: I think you should install fonts which are your favourite. I like to use Consolas.
The installations instructions taken from, unfortunately I couldn’t upload my theme there.